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The round line cut directs the hair away from the face. This cut also creates roundness in the nape, which can either lengthen or compact the forehead and face shape. Fringes are versatile: depending on their length, they can either compact or elongate the face. The length of the fringe will also draw attention to the jawline, chin, and nose. Additionally, this haircut can frame and highlight the cheekbones. This cut is not popular on the salon floor, but mastering it will enhance your cutting skills.
The round line cut directs the hair away from the face. This cut also creates roundness in the nape, which can either lengthen or compact the forehead and face shape. Fringes are versatile: depending on their length, they can either compact or elongate the face. The length of the fringe will also draw attention to the jawline, chin, and nose. Additionally, this haircut can frame and highlight the cheekbones. This cut is not popular on the salon floor, but mastering it will enhance your cutting skills.
Visual image of the Round Line cut.
Head sheet diagram explaining each section step by step.
Written description of the Tiffany cut. Go over notes prior to beginning the haircut for a better understanding.
Working blank head sheet allows you to redraw each section of the haircut for your personal understanding.
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